Usage Statistics (2023-2024)

Articles Fulltext Views PDF Downloads
3683 215
3291 450

An anomaly – Fetus in fetu: Case report

Author : Minakshi Kasegaonkar, Vijay Patil, Anjali Gosavi

Doi :   Page No : 70-73

3249 401

Morphometric study of sacrum and its clinical implications in population in Bihar

Author : Binod Kumar, Sanjay Kumar*, Rajiv Ranjan Sinha, Md Jawed Akhtar, Avanish Kumar

Doi :   Page No : 301-304

2754 483

Variations in nutrient foramen in the long bones of lower limb

Author : Prerana Aggarwal, Rajarshi Roy*, Shyamalendu Medda

Doi :   Page No : 35-41

1913 411

An insight of association of insulin resistance with polycystic ovary syndrome

Author : Sanchari Chakraborty, Ankita Samaddar, Nilansu Das, Sudip Kumar Saha, Barnali Ray Basu*

Doi :   Page No : 248-254

1740 627
1729 262
1614 289

Reference intervals and gender variation in establishing blood parameters in dental institution: A retrospective study

Author : Manisha Ahire Sardar, Yogita Bhaginath Adhane*, Tabita Joy Chettiankandy, Sanpreet Singh Sachdev, Jagdish Vishnu Tupkari

Doi :   Page No : 16-21

1577 354
1555 432

A study on trigeminal nerve: Does superior cerebellar artery causes trigeminal neuralgia

Author : Prasanna Shravan Gaydhanker, Anuradha Prasanna Gaydhanker*

Doi :   Page No : 174-178

1545 307

Clinical assessment of resting heart rate in smoker and nonsmoker healthy individuals

Author : Devka M Rupareliya, Radhe Shyam Trivedi, Neha H Pandya, Rutuben Ashvinkumar Modi*

Doi :   Page No : 62-64

1450 384
1427 249
1423 437

Procurement and processing of human bones in medical schools for teaching purpose: A narrative review

Author : Kalaivani Kaliyamoorthy, SSSN Rajasekhar*, Dinesh Kumar V

Doi :   Page No : 245-251

1393 349
1377 375
1370 281

Identification of learning style preferences among first year MBBS students using VARK questionnaire

Author : Muralidhar Reddy Sangam*, Bitopan Kalita, Krishnan Srinivasan

Doi :   Page No : 37-41

1362 288
1360 524

Correlation between haematological profile and body mass index in adults

Author : Tejashwini V Basarigidad*, Ganashree C P

Doi :   Page No : 86-89

1352 544
1335 430

The effect of smoking on the cardiovascular autonomic functions tests

Author : Tejashwini Basarigidad, Ganashree C P

Doi :   Page No : 69-73

1324 618
1249 369
1216 367
1205 418
1202 369

Raga based music therapy amongst prediabetic: An analysis by HAM- A clinical anxiety scale

Author : Akshataa Atul Deshkar*, Manjinder Kaur, R L Kamble

Doi :   Page No : 103-106

1165 258
1158 636
1157 188
1129 259

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