Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2018
Article Page : 439-442
This study evaluated the effects ofacute-intense exercise on visual and auditory reaction time.
Materials and Methods: Study included 40 males in the age group of 18- 22 years. Participant’s blood pressure and resting heart rate was measured using the sphygmomanometer and Pulse Ox (heart rate monitor), respectfully. Pulse Ox was placed on non-dominant index finger of the participant.
PC 1000 reaction timer was used for the measurement of VRT for red, blue & green light & ART. After the baseline measurements, subject started to exercise on the stationary bike till heart rate was doubled and subject maintained exercise for 5 more minutes. Immediately after the exercise, post exercise heart rate & post exercise blood pressure were measured, & VRT for all 3 colours& ART were retested.
Results were analysed statistically using Wilcox paired‘t’ test comparing pre & post exercise measurements.
Results: The mean values of VRT for red, blue & green & ART was faster after exercise when compared to before exercise values & the difference was statistically significant. There was significant increase in heart rate & systolic BP & decrease in diastolic blood pressure after exercise compared to baseline values.
Conclusion: Results of the study can be associated to many people in improving their health in everyday life especially athletes & senior citizens.
Keywords: Visual reaction time, Auditory reaction time, Heart rate, Blood pressure.
How to cite : Deepa Hs, The evaluation of the effects of acute-intense exercise on visual and auditory reaction time. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2018;5(4):439-442
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