Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 4, Year : 2015
Article Page : 212-215
Liver is the largest abdominal viscera occupying major part of right hypochondrium & Epigastrium many of its anomalies go unnoticed in life as it remains asymptomatic.
Background and Objective: Anomalies of liver lobe, found in this region have drawn attention for the study so as to avoid the misdiagnosis. Aim of our study is to find out the various types of liver lobar anomalies prevailing here.
Methods: Present study was conducted by keen examination of 60 cadaveric livers obtained from the routine dissection of MBBS-I year students in Department of Anatomy, Chhattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences (CIMS), Bilaspur (C.G.) India. Department of Pathology, CIMS contributed in excluding the diseased livers.
Result: Our observation shows out of 60 livers 29 livers (48%) were found to be anomalous, accessory lobes in 6 livers (10%), hypoplastic left lobe in 20 livers (33.3%), quadrate and left lobe connection showing either absence of fissure for ligamentum teres or bridging ligament in 4 livers (6%), absence of quadrate lobe in 2 livers (3%), accessory fissure in 3 livers (5%), tongue like projectionof left lobe in 9 livers (15%).
Conclusion: It was finally concluded that maximum number of livers had hypoplastic left lobe with other livers having various other abnormalities like accessory lobes, tongue like projection, quadrate and left lobe connections, and absence of quadrate lobe. The study is to add on the knowledge of these variations for the anatomists, surgeons and imaging specialists.
Keywords: Variations, Accessory Lobe, Accessory Fissure, Hypoplastic
How to cite : Arya R S, Arya R C, Kumar A, Basan K, Singh B, Jangde S, “Study of Cadaveric Liver Lobe Anomaly”. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2015;2(4):212-215
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