Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 4, Year : 2015
Article Page : 199-203
The coronoid process of the mandible is gaining vital importance as a graft material in reconstructive craniomaxillofacial surgeries and as a non metric skull variant in assessment of age, sex, race and species. Hence the present study was taken to assess the different forms of the coronoid process existing in Indian adult population on both sides and to assess the feasibility of using this knowledge in identification of sex. The study includes 50 male and 50 female mandibles which were collected from various medical colleges. The various presentations of coronoid process were observed and broadly classified, on both the sides. Statistical analysis was calculated using Chi-square test. Hook shaped coronoid process was the most predominant type (61.5%) followed by triangular (14%) and rounded (12.5%) types. About 12% belonged to the miscellaneous type. Hook shape coronoid process was significantly higher in the females. The other shapes did not show any significant gender variation. From the present study it was inferred that the structural changes at the coronoid process of mandible help oneself to distinguish the gender of the individual.
Keywords: Coronoid process; Mandible; Shape variation; Sex determination; Hook shape
How to cite : Subbaramaiah M, Bajpe R, S.r.jagannatha, Jayanthi K, A Study of Various Forms of Mandibular Coronoid Process in Determination of Sex. Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2015;2(4):199-203
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